Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Reservoir Park

The story yesterday was actually a true story. The building is located in Reservoir Park in Milwaukee, WI. It is very old, I would suspect it predates the park itself which was created just around 10 years ago.

About two years ago, this building, which used to house bathrooms, was put up on blocks. It was moved months later to a lonely corner of the park where people only go if they want privacy. It has been boarded up since before being moved, and constantly has liquor bottles and beer cans littering the area around it. There is some evidence animals or people have tried to burrow into the old painted bricks to store things.

Photos were taken in July, 2015.

Monday, July 13, 2015

My Mother Worries

My mother always worries about me in this neighborhood. After watching two Peregrine Falcons battle it out in air the above me, I think I am worried about me, too.